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BrainRx Philippines

A powerful reading program that turns non-readers to readers

Develop strong readers with ReadRx!

Along with our core cognitive skills training program, BrainRx, and our school readiness and high needs program, AccelerateRx, we also offer ReadRx, a one-on-one reading and spelling skills training program.

Different from tutoring, this powerful program uses a sound-to-code approach that develops automaticity in decoding while simultaneously training the core cognitive skills used in learning and reading (attention, memory, logic, processing speed, visual and auditory processing). See the results.

* Results from the US


'Smart' students could also be weak readers

We've encountered them. For example, before this student of ours below started her program, she had strong logic and reasoning skills but weak auditory processing, some attention and memory weakness which caused her to misread, mispronounce, skip words thereby affecting her reading comprehension. She learns things fast but only when it does not require her to read. Here, she reflects on her progress across the various exercise levels.


Be a changemaker!

As a licensee, you provide effective solutions to enable better learning.

Our next training dates:

BrainRx New Licensee Training* March 2 to 5, 2023 (Thu to Sun) @ Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City * enables you to launch within 2-3 months after training

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